
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Form 5 - Chapter 1 Understanding Waves Pt 2


Wavefront : Lines joining all points of the same phase.
Direction of propagation of wave : The wavefront of a transverse wave and longitudinal wave are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.

Amplitude (a)
Amplitude, a : The displacement of a crest or trough from the equilibrium position of a wave

Period (T) and Frequency (f)
Period, T : The period of a wave is time taken for an oscillation to complete one cycle.
Frequency, f : The number of waves produced by a source in one unit time. 
                        The unit for frequency is s-1 which is equal to one hertz. 
                        The frequency is the reciprocal of period.

 Wavelength (λ)
Wavelength, λ : The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two adjascent points of the same phase on a wave.

For transverse wave, the wavelength, λ, can be measured from one crest to the next crest or from one trough to the next trough.

Crest    : Puncak
Trough : Lembangan

For longitudinal wave, the wavelength, λ, is the distance between to consecutive compressions or rarefactions.
Compression : Pemampatan 
Rarefaction    : Peregangan

 Speed (s)
 Wave speed : The measurement of how fast a crest is moving from a fixed point.

Example : Speed of sound is 330 ms-1.

                Speed of light is 3.0 x 108 ms-1

The relationship between speed, wavelength and frequency
Velocity(v) = frequency(f) x wavelength(λ)

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